iphone 4s, iphone 5 , iphone 5c , cell 5s Wholesale

Available: iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S

Cellular Stockpile Apple Cell Phones, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone Cell Phones, Wholesale Cell Phones 9 Comments

iphone 4s, iphone 5 , iphone 5c , cell 5s Wholesale

PCS Wireless is in stock iPhones 7 and 14 days of return. All phones are fully tested for functionality and classified based on physical appearance. Our grading system is strict and consistent quality control . We have all models , GB, colors and qualities available.

iPhone 4S , 5, 5C , 5S

  • Grades A, B, and C
  • All GB
  • All colors
  • quantities available

PCS Wireless
Email: sales@pcsww.com
Tel: +1 973 805 7400 ext.1
Web: www.pcsww.com

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Comments 9

  1. Could you provide me with a price sheet of all you phones at wholesale prices. I’m looking for a supplier i’m an international distributor , please get back to me soon this is my number 860-581-5828.

  2. I am currently looking for a distributor of Iphones 5s/ 6 factory unlocked in large quantity. Please send me a price list of phones available. Seeking to buy 25 + daily for my business.

  3. Hello,
    We are looking for a wholesale iphone supplier. We are interested in all models of both used and new iphones. Can you please send us your wholesale prices?

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